- Jim Corbett
- 02/21/2024
“Many in My church have been lulled into a complacency that is certain death to the kind of deep spiritual life that I desire for them. They observe that their “big” sins are gone, so they think that everything is in order. They do not know how far they are from the truth. They don’t know how much of a hindrance their complacency is to My work because they have not sold out enough to hear My voice above their works-oriented religion. They can only see through eyes that are carnal, so they understand little about what I call “big” sins. Big sins to Me have little to do with the visible sins of the world. Removal of initial sins is part of My covenant promise because of the cross. The undiscerning see themselves being healed of obvious sins, layer after layer; then they stop pressing in deep enough to allow Me to show them a mightier walk, a walk that I wish all My children could experience. A big sin to Me is compromise, which is caused by rebellion regarding My ways.
"Another is keeping what is Mine, so that they can pad their comfort areas. One that is prevalent now is complacency toward the seasons in which they live. I grieve over a prayerless life. You who do see, you who have sold out, you who are surrendering fully must understand that only radical intrusions into their comfort areas will shake them loose. Do not spend your time attempting to teach the crucified life to those who choose not to be taught. It will only cause you frustration and hardship. They do not understand your devoted life, so they must judge you by their standards. Concern yourselves with souls, those who need to hear and be saved. Cultivate the young hearts to fully submit to Me, before they are swayed by the cold church. Save them from complacency by exhibiting the life of My Son before them. Serve the teachable. Set aside those who choose not to see the times and seasons. They are not willing to do what it takes to be ready when I need them. You find those who will hear and see. I will soon deal with those who have chosen to go the way of complacency.”
Ps. 86:11 AMP
Teach me Your way, O Lord, that I may walk and live in Your truth; direct and unite my heart [solely, reverently] to fear and honor Your name.
Rom. 13:11-12 AMP
11) Besides this you know what [a critical] hour this is, how it is high time now for you to wake up out of your sleep (rouse to reality). For salvation (final deliverance) is nearer to us now than when we first believed (adhered to, trusted in, and relied on Christ, the Messiah).
12) The night is far gone and the day is almost here. Let us then drop (fling away) the works and deeds of darkness and put on the [full] armor of light.
Navigating through the New Testament, we see the writers covering many things concerning this new belief that had come upon the people of that time. Jesus had set a standard that no one had even thought possible before His death and resurrection. We see stages of this kind of life presented and worked through as spiritual matters impacted and modified very human men and women.
Once Jesus had laid the foundation and set the example for living, those closest to Him continued on with His teachings to the early church. Initially, simply repeating the Words of the Savior was enough to change the hearts of listeners. Many embraced the new and wondrous life that had been sent from on high since His sandaled feet hit the shores of the Jordan River.
Something happened, however, as time went on. Human nature entered into the picture. Fledgling churches and new converts began to need more guidance to work through their lives as they grew in their newfound faith. Disagreements, interpretations, and fleshly desires started to impact the purity of what Jesus had presented. Very real daily problems needed pertinent solutions, so we find the writers not only teaching what is needed to grow in the faith; but also addressing situations that came up because of the sin nature that was being exposed. As they had to teach, exhort, chastise, correct, encourage, and even threaten disciplinary action, the whole New Testament presents a picture of very real people who acted in a very real manner.
A golden thread that weaves its way through all the New Testament books, actually all of the Bible, is the call to a deeper, more intimate life with the Lord, available to those who choose to pay the price for it. Woven through most of the books is the call to come back to the original purity of the initial church, the life exhibited by Jesus Himself. Human nature, imperfect as it is and spurred on by the deceit of the enemy of their souls, migrated from the purest form of service to cold, dead religious activity and false interpretations of what was intended. It all had to be addressed.
So it continues through all of church history right up to this day. God is continually presenting the standard of the life of Jesus to anyone who will embrace it. Every generation has allowed every kind of distortion of the life that Jesus presented to exist within the church, and the Lord has continually presented a better, deeper way– the one that was established by Jesus and copied by the very first believers. This generation is no different. Today, our Lord is raising the standard from what we once were to Whom He wants us to emulate once again. If we are wise, we will answer the call.
Needing to respond whole-heartedly to what I am hearing from the Lord,
Jim Corbett
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