2/22/24 Where Are You?

  • Jim Corbett
  • 02/22/2024
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In the movie Courageous, the main character stands in front of his church and says: “So where are you, men of courage? Where are you, fathers who fear the Lord? It’s time to rise up and answer the call that God has given to you, and to say ‘I will. I will. I will.’” In somewhat the same way, I believe the Lord is asking you and me where we are in defending His principles on marriage. Do we believe it’s the highest institution He ever created? Do we understand He is calling men to restore their offices of husband and father? Where do we stand on the issue of rescuing our children from the lies and patterns of the world, while helping other men to do the same?

Man of God, where are you regarding the onslaught aimed at your marriage and family? How willing are you to prioritize your life when it comes to God’s desire that your marriage and family honor Him in every conceivable way? What are you prepared to do to make sure your marriage is an example of the relationship between Jesus and His church, and that your children are an example of His love to their generation? If those questions are not your priority, what is your priority?

Let’s talk more!

Jim Corbett

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