The Father Factor is a pivotal book that addresses the reclaiming of the offices of husband and father. Families everywhere are in desperate need, reeling from the lack of a loving father who’s looking out for their best interests. God is raising up valiant, powerful men who will follow Him, leaving destitute lives behind and heading toward wholeness. He's rebuilding the lives of those who diligently seek Him for the power to overcome the challenges they face. He desires to reestablish marriages that will exhibit a visible representation of the relationship between Christ and His church, where children will see how God loves them through their own father's love.
The Father Factor is a step-by-step guide to healing and a salve for restoring sight. It’s a positive and refreshingly candid look at the impasse in which any man may find himself. It reminds the man seeking after God that the power to bring vitality to any marriage or win children from the stranglehold of the world lies with men who seek the Lord on their family’s behalf. As far as God is concerned, that surrender and reliance on Him is in their spiritual job description.
Through relevant testimonies, insightful teachings, and engaging storytelling, The Father Factor gives readers a safe path to travel in pursuit of the answers they need to face whatever challenges arise. It’s an important, eye-opening book for the valiant heart that is seeking to please God and leave a legacy that honors Him.
TODAY’S HEADLINES with ANSWERS! With the world on the brink of economic collapse and terror knocking at the door, it seems the perfect framework for chaos and fear to freely roam the earth. Good is labeled evil and evil is called good in a majority of hearts and minds, just as the Bible foretold. How would you live your life in this atmosphere? Are you sure? A White Stone is far more than a novel. It is a piercing exposé that compares how things are with how they could be for those who surrender completely to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Join a diverse group of individuals from all walks of life who are challenged to depend solely on God; and watch as those who say "Yes" meet their loving heavenly Father at every turn, while those who rely on their own plans reel from the chaos of a world that no longer holds any answers. Where do you stand? Are you looking for answers? Then you need to read A White Stone.
Survival takes on a whole new meaning when the corridors of heaven open the door to angelic and demonic activity on the earth following the rapture of the overcoming bride of Jesus Christ. Those who remain discover that things are nothing like they once were. They learn, however, that God still has a people to whom He can be merciful and through whom He can and will work powerfully.
Follow Ben Fairchild, Reefer McGee, Gloria Manly, and Tim Hanek as they navigate life on this earth when God's invisible spiritual order is allowed to function differently. Discover what it truly means to know God - to really live for Him, even in the most challenging times. The Elect will take you to places that require answers and answer questions that may dwell in the quiet places of your heart.
Manna Moments is the perfect night stand companion. Full of encouragement, exhortation, anecdotes, and just plain devotion to Jesus, this series of From Our Father’s Heart messages will bring a wonderful assurance of the love of Father God your way. Far more than a devotional, this inspiring book will help direct you to a secure place as a child on the lap of your Father as you read and hide under the shadow of His wings.
Along with Bible verses, heartwarming stories, and personal commentary by authors Jim and Merry Corbett, Manna Moments is designed to draw you to meaningful moments with your Father God.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to flow in a life of total freedom, intimacy, and fearlessness?
The Overcoming Life Guidebook is your personal travel guide, an exciting, interactive companion that you can use on a continual basis as you grow deeper in love with Jesus. Designed to be used as a personal, tailor-made roadmap on your way to an intimate relationship with Him, it provides guidelines and insights on how to recognize, embrace, and live the world overcoming power found in His cross and resurrection, in preparation for His soon return. It is to be slowly savored in those special, intimate times you spend with the Lord to gain His heart, allowing the Holy Spirit to make lasting changes in your inner being.
Because it’s content is so pertinent to living a powerful life in today’s world, we provide a weekly topic suggestion from the guidebook in our daily e-mail – The Times and Seasons Lifeline. Although the Lord may direct you to additional lessons, each week this suggested topic will allow you to join with many others across the nation doing the same.
We highly recommend you download and print the entire guidebook and place it in a three-ring binder. This will allow you to add pages of notes to the binder as needed and provide a hands- on reference for future needs. The combination of the weekly reference from our mailing and having the book in your library will also be a wonderful resource for gatherings and bible studies.
If you are hearing the call of the Holy Spirit to become wholly devoted to Jesus and if you know that only an intimate relationship with Him will give you the power necessary to be like Him in a world that is out of answers, we suggest that you do two things after you’ve committed your life to the Lordship of Jesus, of course. First, sign up for our free daily blog, The Times and Seasons Lifeline, and then download and print this guidebook for your personal study times. That combination will help you to be well on your way to living an overcoming life.
Books and Publications
As a continuation of providing free resources, we offer printed copies of three of our books – The Father Factor, A White Stone, and The Elect – *free of charge to individuals, groups, ministries, and churches to help them in their outreach to the communities they serve.
Two of these books are novels — A White Stone and its sequel, The Elect. People from all walks of life have read them and received life from them while reading about the amazing love of Jesus and the forgiveness, power, and sovereignty of God. Thousands of these books have been placed in the hands of believers and unbelievers alike all over the world.
The Father Factor focuses on the restoration of the offices of husband, father, and community leader. It shows that it’s never too late to remedy relationships when the Lord becomes the central focus of the solution.
These three books are also available free of charge as PDFs, along with our step-by-step guidebook, The Overcoming Life and our devotional, Manna Moments.
Please click on the links below to download them. We pray they’ll be an encouragement and companion in your walk with the Lord. We hope you’ll make yourself at home with them and let others know they’re available.
As you read through any of our materials, consider them for individual study or group studies, or sending excerpts to your family and friends, so they can discover for themselves what the Lord may desire to speak into their lives.
Feel free to contact us for more information and let us know how we can help!
(Please note: Printed book distribution is contingent upon available funds and warehouse quantities. We reserve the right to select or limit the quantity of any distribution of our books on the basis of need, availability, or impinging circumstances. )