• Jim Corbett
  • 11/29/2022
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“Mark those who sit in judgment on you or challenge your authority in Me. Walk away from those who testify only of themselves and their testimonies of how close they are to My Spirit, when there is no fruit of being with Me in their lives. Beware of those who are self-proclaimed prophets, those who boast of their ability to hear My voice for others, when they hear nothing but their own folly, reeling back and forth in the foul stench of their own breath. They are fools who are listening to the leader of fools. I am soon to brand them for who they really are, blind guides heading for destruction. Have nothing to do with them.  Separate yourself from them, so that they might come to repentance and be restored.

"You ignore their vain attempts to destroy you; and bring forth life from the deep recesses of My heart, pouring it upon those who are in need of life. You spread love to those who hate you. You take the power of My Word and tear apart every stronghold of the enemy of souls so that the lost, lonely, and broken might be made whole. You lower yourself in your own eyes, so that I might be seen by those in need, those who have no vision of My glory. You stand using only My strength, walk using only My power; and speak using only My Words. You become a testimony of the work of the cross and My keeping power to those who carry it for Me to a dying world.

"The world is reeling in the weight of their sin and wallowing in their own vomit, totally out of answers. You reveal to them the only Answer, the only way to be set free. You show them Jesus. Bring forth His bright, beautiful life to their dark, useless world. Bring forth the wealth of your relationship with Me. Bring forth My immovable truth. Go forth in My love, in My Spirit. Reach into the darkness and represent My hand of deliverance, My road to freedom. Go now in the power of My might. I am with you.”

 Ezekiel 13:3, 6-8  AMP

3) Thus says the Lord God: Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit [and things they have not seen] and have seen nothing! …

6) They have seen falsehood and lying divination, saying, The Lord says: but the Lord has not sent them. Yet they have hoped and made men to hope for the confirmation of their word.

7) Have you not seen a false vision and have you not spoken a lying divination when you say, The Lord says, although I have not spoken?

8) Therefore thus says the Lord God: Because you have spoken empty, false, and delusive words and have seen lies, therefore behold, I am against you, says the Lord God.

1 Chron. 29:5b AMP

…Now who will offer willingly to fill his hand [and consecrate it] today to the Lord [like one consecrating himself to the priesthood]?

2 Cor. 3:17-18  AMP

17)Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (emancipation from bondage, freedom).

18) And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit.


The enemy always attempts to divide, distract, and confuse. The Lord is always heading in the direction of saving souls and tending frail sheep. He constantly looks into the darkness, so that people living there will see the light. Once they are in the light, He nurtures, comforts, and changes people into the image of Jesus.

You and I have the astounding privilege of being brought into the light through Jesus. In that light, there is no room or reason to entertain darkness any longer. To do so brings discredit to the cross.

I believe that soon Father God is going to have His life break forth through His people in a powerful way; people who will be a credit to the cross once again. He is going to bring out into the open those who have been in training by His hand of testing.

Having been refined and brought to a death of their previous ways, they will shine in the brightness of our Lord. The dark world will notice them, not only because of their words, which will be endued with the power of God; but also by their lives, which will represent Jesus fully. There will be nothing false, nothing fleshly about them. Their humble submission to the Word of God will testify against the rebellion of those denying the cross.

Have you been in training? Have you lived under the refining hand of the Lord, scorned, laughed at, and misunderstood even by the church? Take courage; you are about to be brought forth. You are about to shine with the love of Jesus. You are about to be called forth to testify of His keeping power. You are about to praise Him with your life. You are about to rejoice in the wonder of your Lord.

Wanting to live only for Jesus,

Jim Corbett

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