MASH United | Daily Messages

MASH United Daily Messages

For those who are wanting to deepen their walk with the Lord to become the man God has created them to be, this daily message is designed to encourage, equip, challenge, and be a support for you. Very much like the direct but kind, guiding words of a craftsman to an apprentice. History has proven that many grown men have never had a father’s guidance that could direct them either in word or example into the truth regarding love, marriage, intimacy, and nurturing. These daily messages provide opportunities for men to revisit what it means to be a leader, husband, or father God’s way.

6/01/21 A Truly Wealthy Man

I know a man who doesn’t consider himself rich, and I suppose he isn’t by the world’s standards. This man works hard each day at a physically demanding job to…

5/31/21 Pancakes and Sausage

How many of the men’s groups around this land are no more spiritually filling than the pancakes and sausage breakfasts that are considered valuable gatherings? How many men’s groups do…

5/29/21 Distorted Obligations

Many years ago, I met a man who was having difficulties at home. His family was disjointed in opinions, needs, and direction for their lives. He spent most of his…


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