MASH United Messages | TFRC | The Faith Resource Community

MASH United Daily Messages

For those who are wanting to deepen their walk with the Lord to become the man God has created them to be, this daily message is designed to encourage, equip, challenge, and be a support for you. Very much like the direct but kind, guiding words of a craftsman to an apprentice. History has proven that many grown men have never had a father’s guidance that could direct them either in word or example into the truth regarding love, marriage, intimacy, and nurturing. These daily messages provide opportunities for men to revisit what it means to be a leader, husband, or father God’s way.

7/24/24 An Incredible Freedom

One of the most overlooked events in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus is the tearing of the veil in the temple. It was rent from top to bottom,…

7/23/24 Seasons

There are seasons in our lives that make us change or allow us to change either our direction or our way of living. If properly addressed, each season can make…

7/22/24 The Trojan Horse

We’re all familiar with the mythological story of the giant wooden horse that was left outside the walls of Troy and mistakenly identified by its citizens as a gift. Totally…


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