It’s finally available! Because of the continual onslaught against Biblical truth and the many who have found themselves confused – even shipwrecked, we have added a new page on our website that deals with the need for discernment in the church. The enemy is diligently at work to derail believers and cause them to question and misinterpret God and His Word by introducing subtle, yet insidious false doctrine in many different forms.
Uninformed believers are far more vulnerable to deception than they realize. It’s imperative now more than ever to be aware of the teachings, books, etc. and people that spread biblically unfounded ideas and methods, so you can flee from what doesn’t represent the Lord and help others do the same.
Every believer who desires to use Biblical truth to guide them through the times and seasons ahead will do well to make discernment a priority in their lives. If you don’t have a plan already in place, you may want to use our discernment page as a starting point. Obviously, the Bible is your go to source in all things. It’s what God gave us to properly navigate His universe, and it’s vital to be consistently exposed to the truth of His Word. However, it’s very helpful to check things out when questions arise and familiarize yourself with information from people who have encountered deception within the church and wanted to warn believers of their findings. You can then seek the Lord and determine what you’re going to do with that information.
If you’re a believer looking for truth, we highly suggest you check out our discernment page. Just go to the dropdown menu on our website,, and click on “Times and Seasons Discernment.”
May the Lord bless you with His truth, wisdom, and protection in these crucial times,