9/23/23 Real Power

  • Jim Corbett
  • 09/23/2023

Given that God has ordained the offices of husband and father as His highest offices, the most powerful position a man can take is on his knees for his family. I believe that no other position is dearer to the heart of God or garners more favor, because the family produces and fosters pastors, prayer warriors, and every conceivable worker for the Lord. God’s heart responds to a man praying for his own. (In case you think I’m overlooking something – yes, He also has a fervent spot in His heart as people pray for souls to come to know Jesus Christ!)

I think of David’s mighty men. His men understood warfare. His men were tried in battle and came out unbeaten, far more proficient than greater numbers of other warriors. They knew how to fight. They knew what it would take to win the battles for their king.

Most men today have no idea how important their position is. Most men give little thought to the probability that they’ve lost the most important battles of their lives as they see their families fall apart or, at the very least, become unproductive in the Lord’s work. Few men even consider that their wives or children are literally supposed to walk as Jesus walked, and that they are supposed to provide the atmosphere for them to do so.

Men, God intended you to be just like David’s mighty men in the war for your families. He is more than willing to respond with power to your requests for their ability to overcome the world. You are a man of power when you call upon His power on behalf of those you steward. Why are you not laboring for them as your priority work in this life? Paul said that he was in birth pangs until Christ - the character of Christ - was formed in others. Is that not supposed to be your heart for those you love?

Let’s talk more!

Jim Corbett

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