6/06/23 Our Privilege

  • Jim Corbett
  • 06/06/2023

Have you ever thought about the privileges we have as husbands and fathers? Though there are many, one of the most wonderful is the ability to hold those we love before the Father for His blessing upon them. Not only do we observe their days; we also have the honor of laboring in prayer for them as we see their needs.

Think of it. God has chosen us to be a valued asset in the lives of those we love, to lend a hand for their best interests, to undergird them in their times of need or challenge by presenting them before our mighty God for His faithful intervention. That’s some pretty powerful stuff!

The apostle Paul talked about being in pain as if in childbirth until Christ was formed in his circle of influence. He considered it his task to hold them before the One Who can do something about their real need. We can do the same for those we love. It’s our job, our moment-by-moment assignment! It’s our calling and privilege!

Let’s talk more!

Jim Corbett

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