5/16/24 A Father’s Love

  • Jim Corbett
  • 05/16/2024
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I find it much easier to understand the love of the Father because I am a parent.  As a parent, you want the best for your child.  You have much to share and impart because you’ve already been where your child is going.  You desire to spend time with your child simply because he or she is yours - a part of you.  You enjoy seeing each discovery your child makes and enjoy it even more when you see it become a part of your child’s life.  You have a desire to see your child come to maturity in all things and then see him or her go on to share and impart what they have learned.  Isn’t that just like the Father?  How wonderful it is to have a real-life example to help us understand how much He truly desires a relationship with us!

To those of you that may not have had the example of a loving, earthly father: Don’t let Satan deprive you of the joy of knowing your real Father because of bad memories or weak examples. Don’t withhold any amount of love from your child because you received little. Flood them with all the stored-up love that is within you.

Father God is the epitome of a true and honest love. He cannot misuse or abandon those that are His. He will never leave you or fail you. Never!  Just for fun, get an Amplified Bible and look up Hebrews 13:5b. It is a promise to you. You can believe it. Hang on to it and walk in it, healed of anything that the world may have done to you.

Let’s talk more!

Jim Corbett

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