• Jim Corbett
  • 04/08/2022

The world chases after possessions. They’re some of the gods we serve, whether we know it or not. Most of us men go to work to gain possessions of some sort, whether it’s bigger houses, cars, clothes - anything we need more than we need intimacy with God.

Some possessions are necessities; others are the enemy’s way of keeping us distracted and so busy that we have little time for God. An example of that would be you and your wife working harder or longer to afford the mortgage payment on a bigger house.

God’s priority is an intimate relationship with Him. Anything that minimizes or distracts from that relationship is out of His will. It is not of Him and should either be eliminated or minimized to its proper place in God’s eyes. If we hold on to anything – money, fame, material wealth, status, etc. - we lose more than we know. If we let go in our hearts of whatever it is that distracts us, we will gain the fullness of God. That fullness is everything. Holding on to nothing of this world in our hearts allows us to grasp the wonder of Who God really is and what He has done. That is true wealth! Are you ready to let go?

Let’s talk more!

Jim Corbett

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