12/23/23 Why Were You Born?

  • Jim Corbett
  • 12/23/2023

Each one of us has been given a specific purpose for our lives. In the eyes of our Lord, who we become really matters. What we do for Him has eternal impact on others. He likes that.

As husbands and fathers, we often forget that He cares about our wives and children in the same way. Their relationship with Him really matters. The significant lives they lead will not only bode well for them when they face Him, but they will impact many for the kingdom of God.

You, as a husband and father, have been placed in the very important position of directing and affecting the outcome of their lives through your influential office and the power of the Holy Spirit. You have the power to help create the atmosphere that gives them the freedom to become all they can be in Christ. You can love your wife as Christ loved the church, laying down your life for her. You can bless her comings and goings as He would, so that she understands her value.

As you seek the Lord on behalf of your children, you can create favorable influences on them to guide them in the paths the Lord has determined. You can lovingly walk with them until they have the spiritual power to walk with the Lord themselves. You have the office! You have the power through the Holy Spirit! You have the favor of God because you are in line with His heart and His Word. Time to get to it!

Let’s talk more!

Jim Corbett

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