11/21/22 The Purpose of Challenges

  • Jim Corbett
  • 11/21/2022

As part of His covenant with us, God has promised to give us every opportunity to become like Jesus. He allows us to go through challenges and devises means for us to come to the end of ourselves.  He guides and directs our responses to those challenges as barometers of our progress toward holiness.

Let’s talk facts. Although this life is not about us, this life we live has great importance in God’s eyes. His whole plan is the perfecting of those who will be spending eternity with Him. As we focus on Jesus, God is focusing on us to make us into His image. He is orchestrating opportunities for us to make decisions. Those decisions become more and more like the decisions that Jesus, in His holiness, would make as we submit to God’s hand. Without opportunities to come to the end of ourselves and turn to God for help, we would never experience our Father’s keeping power over us. Our need imparts God’s wealth to us as we surrender.

As men after the Savior’s heart, we understand that challenges are only spiritual opportunities to grow in Christ. As those who do want to become like Jesus, we have learned to embrace any and all challenges that come our way as acts of love, not as reprimands. In doing so, we release the power of the Holy Spirit to move in concert with God’s plan for our lives as we grow closer to Him from challenge to challenge. Will you pay the price?

Let’s talk more!

Jim Corbett

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