1/27/23 Refiner’s Fires

  • Jim Corbett
  • 01/27/2023
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Do you realize that God’s priorities don’t include making you comfortable?  Of course, He answers prayers, truly helps us when we are in need, and blesses us because He loves us; but He never promises us a rose garden with no challenges. In fact, it’s in times of challenge that we grow spiritually and grow closer to Him.

Refiner’s fires are God’s love in action. The hotter the fire, the more thorough the refinement process is.  If you look at 2 Samuel 14:14, it talks about a loving Father who creates ways for those who are heart separated from Him to be brought close. Being close to God is the best and safest way for all of creation to flourish.

If you, as a husband and father, have a desire to lead your family with spiritual success through the challenging times ahead, you’ll need to embrace the refiner’s fires sent your way. Whatever draws you to your knees is a good thing. Whatever causes you to be out of answers and cry out to the Lord for help prepares you to overcome the world and its ways. Whatever brings you to the end of yourself, so you need God, is of eternal benefit to your family.

If you’re not capable of standing still in the face of incredible danger because God told you to do so when everyone else is running, you need to cry out to the Lord to help you. If you can’t see the need to have the full power of God with you in your battle to save your children, you need to cry out to the Lord to help you.  If you feel you’ll be able to go through the coming times with what spiritual life you have at present, you need to cry out to the Lord to help you. Then, you need to embrace every refiner’s fire that comes your way with all your heart. Digging in with the Lord is what it’s going to take for you to make it. However that happens is up to the Lord. Your job is to surrender. Will you?

Let’s talk more!

Jim Corbett

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