1/06/23 The Highest Office

  • Jim Corbett
  • 01/06/2023

Do you realize that as a man, you have been given the highest office in the most important institution Father God has ordained? God created the family unit to produce and nurture every person who will eventually hold every office in every land in the world. Because of that, there is no bigger honor you can pay Him than to dedicate your family to His service. You are responsible to Him for the atmosphere you have created in your home to help your family become all they can be in Christ.

In a world set on destroying the family and minimizing the importance of the husband and father roles, you can overcome the enemy’s plan. In Christ, you have been given every tool you will need to fulfill your office with power and authority against any scheme planned against you and your wife and children.

Today is the day for you to gain a new perspective of who you are in Christ, and what role you have been given by God. It’s time to realize the importance of your life and the impact it has in God’s economy. Shake off the mundane attitude the world has fostered, and embrace the wonder of what our Father has done. Become a vessel that hears His heart for your family, and is willing to do whatever it takes to have them become the light of Christ in a dark world.

Let’s talk more!

Jim Corbett

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