- Jim Corbett
- 08/01/2024
“Do you know what your purpose is? I don’t mean what your personal calling might be, but do you know what the overall purpose of My church is? You have the privilege of telling the wonderful news that, in the unseen world, the impossible has been done for all men. Jesus reconciled everything between Us. Now you have been given the joyful task of telling the hurting, the discouraged, the little ones that flounder in the darkness, that all has been made right between Us.
“Without the work that Jesus did, not one of you had any hope of ever being free. Now you can be free from all the horrors in your world and free from all the eternal horrors that awaited you just after you closed your eyes for the last time.
“There is nothing to fear if you accept the work that has been done by Him. Your greatest gift besides your own freedom is the opportunity to tell everyone of this fantastic news. I want everyone to have the opportunity to hear of His wonderful accomplishment. You tell them for Me, OK? I will be with you to empower you when you do it. The angels and I will rejoice whenever someone receives this great gift. It is fun for Me. I can’t wait for you to rejoice with Me.”
II Cor. 5:18 AMP
But all things are from God, Who through Jesus Christ reconciled us to Himself [received us into favor, brought us into harmony with Himself] and gave to us the ministry of reconciliation [that by word and deed we might aim to bring others into harmony with Him].
Our great, great, great, etc. grandpa and grandma, Adam and Eve, generated an incredible black hole in the spiritual realm when they defied God. Their seemingly harmless act of rebellion, (the same act that each of us has the choice to wallow in each and every day, by the way) did far more than expose the first apple core (if indeed it was an apple.) It created an impasse between the holy and the newly profane. God could not legally go where His children were and they could not legally go where He was. Two beings once capable of intimate interaction were now as different as darkness and light.
Enter Jesus. Far more than hanging on a cross, He once more bonded Creator and creation and made them inseparable. He destroyed everything that once separated us from God. (You can jump for joy right here if you want.)
I remember once, when my older daughter was a teen, Satan had created a separation between us for several months. Those months were the most agonizing months that both of us ever spent. Nothing could console me. There was nothing that I wouldn’t have done to be able to bridge the gap between us. There was no solace for me; nothing mattered except reconciliation. I’m sure she would have felt the same if she could have. I was a daddy who was hurting, and she was a child hurting equally as much.
One day there was complete restoration of our relationship. God said that the gap had been there long enough and moved on our behalf. It was one of the happiest days of our lives. The healed relationship was so complete that we returned to being best friends.
Remembering my pain as a human father, I believe that our Father in heaven must ache so much more for every one of His children who can’t experience His love. We need to tell them, for their sake and for His.
Wanting to see my Daddy happy,
Jim Corbett
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