• Jim Corbett
  • 07/22/2023

“Do you know how the words “I will have a people who serve Me with all of their hearts” will impact your life?  It means that your personal world will never be the same. At present, you have little desire to serve Me with all of your heart. There are many distractions that vie for your allegiance, and you submit to most of them. Many of them rob Me of My time with you. Many of them rob you of your desire to spend time with Me. That is not a positive combination. Would you think it cruel of Me if I removed everything from your life that hindered you from becoming like My Son? Would you curse Me if you were brought to a place of absolute dependence upon Me for your next morsel of food, a moment of safety from the surrounding terrors, your very life?

"I am deeply concerned for you. No matter how many times I call you to intimacy, no matter how often I warn you of the coming terrors, you have little knowledge of what it is like to have Me and Me alone for your sustenance. You don’t even seem to care. So many other gods occupy your world that you have little determination to learn of My Son, even though He is the key to your safety when your world falls apart. When will you stop the foolishness? Look around. How can you miss the abundance of signs that proclaim imminent changes in your world? How can you not respond to My calling to become holy so that you can overcome what lies ahead?

"Look to those who see with My eyes. Listen to My prophets - not the street-corner variety - but those whose strong words make you uncomfortable. Listen to what I am saying and determine in your heart to move with Me in the soon coming times. I will have a people who will serve Me with all of their hearts.  There, I’ve said it. Now what will you do in response?”

Phil 3:10-11 AMP

10) [For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection [which it exerts over believers], and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed [in spirit into His likeness even] to His death, [in the hope]

11) That if possible I may attain to the [spiritual and moral] resurrection [that lifts me] out from among the dead [even while in the body].


According to the Bible verses above, Paul had a determined purpose that drove his life. He was hungry for God. His whole being embraced his calling and he knew that he needed everything that the Lord had for him to be able to make it. Since he did make it, it would be good if we embraced his formula.

His unswayable (Is that a word?) determination was his first direction for us to follow. We need to get serious.

He wanted to truly know Jesus. Not a bad choice for a mentor.

He wanted to know what was provided for him at the cross and the resurrection. What were his tools? How much of God did he have at his every call for help? Where was true power to overcome and how could he tap into it?

Now he tells us. If we die to our every desire and take up His cross, we will rise above every worldly god and function in concert with the only real God even while in the body.

He got it, and it proved powerful to the end. Study these wealthy verses until they are deep in your heart. Feed on them and determine to get determined.

Determined to become determined,

Jim Corbett

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