Stirring the Kettle; Quieting the Spirit

  • Jim Corbett
  • 04/11/2020

Such amazing times! Never in my lifetime have I seen so many people—people who have always spent their lives trying to control their situations—finally understand they are absolutely not in control!  The self-made, the God deniers, the overworked provider—whatever place anyone has in society—are all realizing that their personal world has become out of their control, literally overnight!

I am convinced Father God is shaking up all of the gods people have been serving. He has said “enough” with a simple whisper that has changed the world, causing those who are wise to listen to what He's saying.

Those who haven’t listened to His still, small voice ringing in their ears will continue to believe that things will return to normal. Those who make their priority His priorities—now that He has their attention—will find wonder in everything that happens from now on.

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