Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain

  • Jim Corbett
  • 04/09/2020

This is not Oz! The Bible does, however, warn us that there would be “men behind the curtain” with plans that are not God's, plans to deceive His church into thinking that there's always something more important than the intimate relationship provided for us by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. These plans attempt to minimize Who He is, what He has done, and who we are in Christ.

As we see current situations unfolding and unfamiliar challenges presented to us most every day, it's easy to embrace those issues as priorities in our lives. That's the plan from behind the curtain.

Nothing has changed with Father God! His desire for intimacy with us remains important to Him. That intimacy with the One Who created all things, knows all things, and is in charge of all things is still more important than anything else that calls for our attention. From that communication with Him and as His children, we can receive anything we need to face whatever comes our way, no matter how many loud voices clamor to proclaim their importance.

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