The Death of Intimacy

  • Jim Corbett
  • 05/19/2020

If you would like to make sure that you never create an intimate relationship with God, I have the perfect way to do it. Are you ready?

Get real busy. It doesn't matter what you become busy with. Just get busy. Even doing good things for the Lord—all the things that make you feel like you are truly doing something for Him, but replace spending time with Him—are sure to kill any intimate times of hearing His heart, knowing His directions for your life, and overcoming the world and its challenges.

Busyness is the perfect deception of the enemy. He loves to see the children of God so busy, even busy with good things, that they can't find the time to sit in God's presence. He knows that if Christians ever devote their time to cultivate an intimate relationship with their Lord, his hope of destroying their effectiveness is dead!

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