MASH United Messages | TFRC | The Faith Resource Community

MASH United Daily Messages

For those who are wanting to deepen their walk with the Lord to become the man God has created them to be, this daily message is designed to encourage, equip, challenge, and be a support for you. Very much like the direct but kind, guiding words of a craftsman to an apprentice. History has proven that many grown men have never had a father’s guidance that could direct them either in word or example into the truth regarding love, marriage, intimacy, and nurturing. These daily messages provide opportunities for men to revisit what it means to be a leader, husband, or father God’s way.

12/16/19 Home Church

Men, is your home a place that proclaims the Gospel, worships the Lord, and praises His Name continually? If it isn’t, it should be. In fact, it must be if…

12/13/19 The Underbelly

One of the most vulnerable spots of any animal is the underbelly or underside of its body. In most cases, it consists of soft tissue with little armor for protection….

12/12/19 In His Hands

Although Father God has given us a stewardship of our wife and children, He asks us to turn them over to Him for their safe keeping. He is ultimately responsible…


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