MASH United | Daily Messages

MASH United Daily Messages

For those who are wanting to deepen their walk with the Lord to become the man God has created them to be, this daily message is designed to encourage, equip, challenge, and be a support for you. Very much like the direct but kind, guiding words of a craftsman to an apprentice. History has proven that many grown men have never had a father’s guidance that could direct them either in word or example into the truth regarding love, marriage, intimacy, and nurturing. These daily messages provide opportunities for men to revisit what it means to be a leader, husband, or father God’s way.

3/23/22 Power for Service

I was reading about David’s mighty men the other day and one thing struck me as never before. The “mighty” part of these men was used for service. I know…

3/22/22 Crossroad Decisions

At times in our lives, we are faced with making pivotal decisions, which become crossroads that determine our path for the future. These chosen paths become a benchmark for the…

3/21/22 Crapshoot

Are you just hoping you can continue what you’re doing and have everything turn out for the best?  Do you feel you’ve done all you can do, that your marriage…


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