From Our Fathers Heart | TFRC | The Faith Resource Community
A Daily Exhortation
These writings are from our Father in heaven communicating to His greatly loved children. These are very personal messages of love, encouragement, and correction from a gracious God, supported by His Word, Who is exhorting His children to grow up in Him, so that they won't be helpless through the challenges of daily life.
“I brought forth life, Who overcame death, so that you could live. His Name is Jesus. He is the Lord of everything! You have the high honor of honoring Him…
“Mark those who sit in judgment on you or challenge your authority in Me. Walk away from those who testify only of themselves and their testimonies of how close they…
“I am deeply involved in your life. Most of the time, you cannot see My hand at work or notice the orchestration of events that fulfill My overall plans. At…
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