From Our Fathers Heart | TFRC | The Faith Resource Community
A Daily Exhortation
These writings are from our Father in heaven communicating to His greatly loved children. These are very personal messages of love, encouragement, and correction from a gracious God, supported by His Word, Who is exhorting His children to grow up in Him, so that they won't be helpless through the challenges of daily life.
“Your relationship with Me will bring both life and death to you. Not only are you a new being, but I will continually pour Myself into you to conform you…
“A wonderful new season is about to be implemented. For many years, I have been separating the shepherds from the shepherds, and the sheep from the sheep. For those shepherds…
“I love restored relationships. Jesus died so that you could be restored to Me. It is My heart that you follow His example. His death was physical. To restore relationships,…
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