12/27/2021 Can This Be?

  • Jim Corbett
  • 12/26/2021

In a stable in a city - where perfect lambs for sacrifice were laid in a manger and wrapped in swaddling clothes so they wouldn’t thrash around and bruise themselves - the shepherds, who were called from their fields, saw a little baby in place of the lamb. Could it be that God had called these uneducated people to witness the most wonderful event in the history of mankind so they could recognize the impact of what He had done?

The perfect Lamb, the perfect sacrifice left His throne in heaven and became visible to those who were willing to see. In that time, however, most did not see. Most simply went about their business, ignorant of the time and season they had the privilege of living in.

Centuries have been filled with people who have seen and those who haven’t. These centuries of God’s plan for all mankind began in a stable, was confirmed at the cross, and fulfilled at the resurrection of that perfect sacrificial Lamb. As they are now rapidly rushing to their conclusion, will it be the same?

We know those blinded by the world cannot see the amazing season we live in, but will those who claim they see welcome the amazing times we live in as the completion of God’s wonderful plan? Will they see the impossible be made possible once again as the shepherds did?

Our Father in heaven has called us to experience the privilege of anticipating and even seeing the culmination of His plan fulfilled right before our eyes this very day. As we celebrated His birth, let’s open our eyes to the probability of truly seeing Him again, not in a lowly stable in the quiet of the morning; but in the clouds, accompanied by trumpets announcing His arrival as the glorified King of kings this time.

May you be blessed with anticipation,

Jim, Merry, and Jubilee Corbett

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