8/28/23 Circumstances

  • Jim Corbett
  • 08/28/2023

Few of us really understand how much circumstances rule our lives. Most of us men react to circumstances in the same way we did before we came to the Lord. We analyze the situation, check on the options, and then make the decision that seems best based on the known criteria. Few of us really understand how far that is from the way the Lord desires us to act.

Our Lord functions in the supernatural. His purposes are far from our way of thinking. As we are making decisions which seem best based on what we know, what if the Lord is using the circumstances to train us or those around us? What if He is not looking for the logical decision because He knows more about the ultimate result than we do? What if He wants you to do the illogical, even foolish, so your faith in Him can grow?

Often I have made a decision that seemed like a step of faith, thinking I was obedient to the Lord’s wishes, only to find myself in a boxed canyon with no way out. I had prayed, sought counsel and then moved, thinking that things would work out perfectly. When they didn’t, I thought I had missed God. God, on the other hand, had me just where He wanted me. I needed Him because I found myself with no answers. The circumstance had nothing to do with success or failure, but it had to do with my training. It had to do with the need for me to be out of answers and surrendering myself to Him - a much deeper work than I thought was being done.

Men, we are in training to hear God and move only where and when He desires to move. Our bottom line is answers. His bottom line is to make us more like Jesus, doing nothing of ourselves and trusting Him in all things. Will you trust Him wherever He leads?

Let’s talk more!

Jim Corbett

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