6/30/23 Missing Something?

  • Jim Corbett
  • 06/30/2023
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From The Father Factor by Jim and Merry Corbett

Could it be that we, as men, are impotent to even desire the heart of God, much less function in it? Let’s revisit the idea that Satan has a plan to spiritually make all of mankind impotent, so that they have no natural desires to fulfill the plan of God and honor His wishes for their lives. Let’s consider the possibility that he has so completely succeeded at his plan, that society and even the church in general no longer really see their distance from God’s desires as something even remotely out of line.

Does Father God really expect us as believers to make our daily priority the salvation of those who don’t know Jesus?  Is He really asking us to care about the welfare of others in the same way that He does, the same way that Jesus does? Has God really entrusted us with His financial prosperity along with the accompanying mindset that it’s not about how much we give back to Him, but how much we are allowed to keep for ourselves? If we study the Word thoroughly, if we find that the Lord really does want us to function in the same way that Jesus functioned, if we call ourselves His followers, then many of the teachings we have been under are laced with deceit and have rendered us impotent to even desire to do things God’s way.

Isn’t it time we as husbands and fathers decide to really do things God’s way, so our marriages are an example of the relationship of Christ and His church? Shouldn’t our children be prepared in a way so they can stand before the Lord one day with a significant life to give Him? What do you say we get on with it as our priority in life?

Let’s talk more!

Jim Corbett

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