5/26/23 Choices

  • Jim Corbett
  • 05/26/2023
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Life is full of choices. Some are major and some mean little in the long run. The choices you make as a husband and father have great impact. They not only affect how your marriage works and how well your children do in life; they also affect their eternal well-being.

If you don’t prioritize your life for the Lord, you sentence your children to learn what life is all about from their peers. School, society, movies, music, and social networking all play an influential part in their lives. Normally, none of those sources impart anything about Jesus and how important He is for real life. You hold the key to their introduction to Him.

Living your life with the priority of following Christ is the only antidote strong enough to combat all the worldly values your children face. You, as their father, have been given the responsibility of raising them up with a full commitment to Jesus. They’ll be able to see who He really is by you living His life before them. Even though it’s an incredible responsibility, you will find a corresponding joy as you see their lives fall in line with His desires.

Let’s talk more!

Jim Corbett

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