• Jim Corbett
  • 05/18/2022

How is your marriage working? Do you, as a husband, love your wife as Christ loved His church, dying daily for her as he died for you? Do you and your wife love each other in a way that your children see the example of Christ and the church?

How about your children? Are they well on their way to a significant life because the life of Christ is alive and well in them? Do you and they have a loving companionship? Are they receptive to the deep things of God because you represent to them the way Christ lived?

If you answer all the above questions negatively, you need to make some changes. In God’s economy, you, as a husband and father, have a God-given responsibility to establish a Christ-like atmosphere that nurtures His ways and His plans in your family. If that’s not happening, it’s time to dive into your prayer closet and find out what God desires you to do about it.

When anything is out-of-line in a family, most people look for the others involved to change. God looks for you to change. Your office holds so much spiritual power that as you go spiritually, so goes your family. Any and every problem can be defeated if you determine to make your relationship with your Father in heaven your priority in life. You and your family win if you humble yourself before your Lord. All of you lose if you don’t take up your responsibility. Will you be the first to respond?

Let’s talk more!

Jim Corbett

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