- Jim Corbett
- 05/14/2024
For us guys who need the bottom line, it’s time to talk straight about the real war that we are in. Our lives have been spent in skirmishes involving mortgages, jobs, bills to pay, where to send our kids to college, and a myriad of other things. All of them fall pale against the real war that we face as husbands and fathers in these times.
The real war – and if we lose it, our lives and the lives of our families are in grave danger - is the war against spending quiet time with the Lord. If lost, it is a war that will leave us with spiritual atrophy, insightful weakness, and false paths to follow, all in the midst of a season that requires clearer thinking than any time in history. Whether you know it or not, if you are like many other men, you are well on the path to losing that war at this very moment.
Most men spend little or no time waiting on God to find direction for their lives as Jesus did. Most men usually spend about an hour reading the word and praying about some laundry list or special need. Then they say a closing prayer and think they are equipped for the day’s challenges. The idea of spending hours each day simply waiting on God is incomprehensible to the ordinary Christian man. The idea of making prayer closet attendance the priority of each day is unthinkable. Sitting quietly in adoration before the Lord in His throne room for hours under His anointing is an experience rarely, if ever, pursued by the Christian man of today.
Men, the real war you are involved in - whether you like it or not - is the war against your time with God to hear His heart, and to know His plans and your part in them. Every emergency and priority in your life is screaming for your attention. Every task, job, bill, soccer game, theater ticket, or house repair is out to enslave you and nullify your real effectiveness in leading your family and yourself to spiritual safety when the world walks around in chaos, confusion, and fear. Who is winning the war you’re involved in today?
Let’s talk more!
Jim Corbett
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