4/26/23 Concealed Carry

  • Jim Corbett
  • 04/26/2023

There is a license called a concealed carry license. It means you have the freedom to carry a weapon to protect yourself. To obtain that license, you need to attend school to learn about weapons and your responsibilities when you carry one.

As a member of the body of Christ and as a husband and father, you have been given spiritual weapons to overcome every enemy that would attempt to harm you or your family. They are weapons that allow you to war on behalf of those you steward to win seen or unseen battles that confront them. You, in essence, have a concealed carry license from God!

How are you using your spiritual weapons? Are they concealed to the point that the enemy has free reign to overcome your wife or children? Does anyone around you know you possess these weapons, because they know you and your family understand your place in God, and they witness the freedom you and your family function in?

In a world that desires to destroy any trace of Christ-like character in you and your family, you’re not helpless. You have license to destroy the enemy’s challenges and tactics. You have a concealed carry license of unbeatable spiritual weapons. Don’t flash them to show your bravado, but use them to help win the battle for the Lord!

Let’s talk more!

Jim Corbett


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