- Jim Corbett
- 04/24/2024
In many years of helping people work through their problems – especially men, I have often heard the words, "I'm angry at God" because they blamed Him for something. For a long time, it never dawned on me how ridiculous that statement is. Now, when I hear those words, I think of two things in response.
First, I want to sarcastically say, "That’ll show Him!" As if we were significant enough for our opinion to matter! Just think of the audacity of anyone having the overwhelming pride to call the One True Living God to task for anything He chooses to do or anything the accuser thinks He has done. Consider the idea of a created being calling out his Creator! What a messed-up attitude and perspective!
Next, I am reminded of how far we've fallen. Think of it! The God of the universe - the Almighty God who simply spoke and all the endless regions of space were filled with His heart designs - the God Who is so magnificent that it was impossible to even look upon Him until He created Himself in bodily form. That God is the One we choose to be angry at. How low have we placed Him in our prideful hearts? How small have we made Him in our eyes? It seems that we have created a god that we think is supposed to serve us rather than serving an awesome God who has created us, in part, to serve Him. It's really time to get on our faces and repent!
Let's talk more!
Jim Corbett
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