2/28/24 Commitment to Lordship

  • Jim Corbett
  • 02/28/2024

From the book, The Father Factor, by Jim and Merry Corbett

The Lordship of Jesus Christ over everything is the single corridor God has provided to remove your spiritual impotence. It is the spiritual equivalent to the mechanical “How does it work?” of the natural realm. It is the only “action-reaction” provided by God to overcome useless, unacceptable works of the flesh.

If you need to do so, introduce yourself to Jesus all over again. Open your heart up to the Lord in prayer. Rediscover His overwhelming love for you. Pursue first love with Him once again and recapture the wonder of His mighty works. Ask Him to show you which areas you have surrendered to the absolute Lordship of Jesus Christ and those you haven’t. Write them down. Don’t push this aside with the usual “I’ve already given everything over to Him,” as you may have done for many years, all the while being deceived and remaining spiritually impotent.  Don’t be fooled into believing that everything is under His Lordship when it probably isn’t. Your spiritual life depends on it!

Take the time to list everything you can think of in your world, your marriage, your children, your ministry, your career, your relationships, etc., that is or is not under His Lordship. Come clean. Cover everything and include it in the following prayer when you can mean it from the bottom of your heart, because the Lord is waiting eagerly to answer your prayer and transform you through the power of His Word and His Spirit – the Holy Spirit. It’s a win-win situation!


I place everything in my life (read your list) under Your complete Lordship. I am tired of trying to complete in the flesh what was begun in the Spirit. Teach me to understand Your ways and then give me the power to continually walk in them. Thank You, Lord!

 Let’s talk more!

Jim Corbett

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