• Jim Corbett
  • 12/14/2021

Recent years are a series of tumultuous times linked together by the opinions of man and urgent news reports. Everywhere you look, something seemingly catastrophic vies for our attention. Our world changes at a rate so rapid that it seems impossible to keep up with the next political, social, or personal challenge.

So, as a husband and father, where do you find the ability to overcome the daily challenges of the world? Where do you tell your family to go when they are impacted by some of the foolishness that passes as truth, at least truth for that day?

Living in a world where society’s path appears muddled at best, the fact that God never changes can give us comfort and sure footing. His desire that none should perish is always the same. His desire, that all who call Jesus Lord should prepare for His return as a bride would prepare for her wedding day, is still the same. No matter how the world changes, God’s heart for His people is always that they love those who need Him by sharing what He provided at the cross.

Men, it’s time to set your home’s atmosphere in a way that glorifies the Father. Make His Word the plumb line for all you do and teach your family to do the same. Make the life of Jesus the standard for living. Embrace His life as the priority in all you do. Love as He loves and walk as He walked in a dark world. Because God will always be the same, you can have sure footing no matter what changes around you. God is saying that we all need to get back to His basics in everything we do. Are you ready to do that?

Let’s talk more!

Jim Corbett

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