• Jim Corbett
  • 12/09/2021

From the book, The Father Factor, by Jim and Merry Corbett

During the course of a significantly dysfunctional marriage, many violations of trust occur, and they little by little erode the safety of the marriage. The spiritual seal of the marriage has been broken, which allows inroads for continual harm if these violations persist. Let’s rediscover the brilliant plan of God to preserve the safety of your marriage, so that you can rebuild it into a powerful unit that affects the world the way God originally intended.

One of the most important yet often ignored aspects of a marriage is the violations of trust by either the husband or wife. Sometimes they occur with the help of devoted, unknowing friends who are more than willing to walk with you through all the wounds you and your spouse have received from one another. Sometimes these violations are even brought into play through professional counseling. Another avenue in the body of Christ that can lead to trust issues between husband and wife is the prayer request that concerns your marriage. Whatever form it takes, these are all an open window into the privacy of your marriage, and a hindrance to any healing that’s vital in making your marriage a powerful force in the hands of God.

A healthy marriage is a place of safety where two less than perfect people are privileged by God to see the inadequacies and failures of the other, all so that they can hold each other before the Lord so that healing can take place. The covenant marriage is sealed from any outside influence, so that each party has a safe place to fail without the fear of the scrutiny of others and the detriment of gossip. If there is a need for counseling to clear some things up so that you can continue, you must set parameters that protect the privacy of both parties. Walking prayerfully within those parameters reseals your marriage and places God back in charge of your relationship. The bottom line is this. How can you and your spouse truly trust and be vulnerable with one another if you continually wonder what everyone else knows about you?

Let’s talk more!

Jim Corbett

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