12/07/22 Your Job

  • Jim Corbett
  • 12/07/2022

While functioning in the offices of husband and father, have you ever thought about the reason why your Father God chose to give you breath?  I know that is pretty much a leading question; but none-the-less, it’s a question most men don’t really know how to answer. Let me answer it for you before you go on the typical rabbit trails of providing for them or making sure they’re safe in this world.

God has placed you in the most important position He ever created so that you can provide a fertile atmosphere for your wife and children to overcome the world. That’s it! All the money you make, the kind of house you own, the cars, vacations, the college educations mean nothing if those you are steward of have not learned how to function in a life separate from the world and its tentacles. As a husband and father, you will answer for that when you stand before God. Whether you like it or not, it’s what your offices require of you.

Most men don’t have a clue on how to create this atmosphere, because they haven’t chosen to function in that atmosphere themselves. Most men don’t grasp the impact of what Jesus was telling them when He said that those who overcome the world, as He did, will sit beside Him on His throne just as He overcame and sat down beside His Father on His throne.

Men, what is your plan to get in line with God and His desires for the offices He has given you?  How do you plan to turn your life and the lives of your family around so you can all prosper in a dying world and overcome it through the power of the Holy Spirit? The answer to those leading questions is for you to make your priority intimacy with God. You need to change your address to God’s Throne Room to receive all that is needed to lead others where you have been. Once you determine in your heart to live there yourself, you will be able to lead others there, too.  God has called you to live that life with Him so that you can give away what you own! Will you do it?

Let’s talk!

Jim Corbett

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