10/24/22 Honoring God

  • Jim Corbett
  • 10/24/2022

As I read through the Word, there are many ways in which we are to honor God. In a nutshell, I believe that honoring our Father in heaven is an attitude of the heart. I know that statement is not a lightning flash revelation, but it is something to be considered as we husbands and fathers go about the business of being an example to our families.

One of the foremost ways that I see of honoring God is found in the heart words of Jesus, when He said that He did nothing of Himself, but everything He did was of His Father in heaven. That's quite a statement. Most of us tough, independent guys gloss over those words, never really understanding the profound impact they would have on our lives if we followed them in everything we do.

Think of the major direction shift our lives would take if we refused to do anything, I mean anything, unless we did it only after we knew that what we did was in our Father's perfect will. I am convinced that would be one of the highest honors we could give Him.

Honoring God by simply finding His heart before we move in any direction would have more impact on our lives and the lives of those around us than we could ever imagine. The understanding that we are paying Him the highest honor we can give, if waiting on Him becomes one of our highest goals, is a challenge that most of us really need to consider. Will you?

Let's talk more!

Jim Corbett

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