- Jim Corbett
- 10/02/2020
As a husband and father, you have the choice of giving either life or death to those around you. Your office is designed for you to lead those you steward. Because it comes with astounding authority in the spiritual realm, the decisions you make and the way you live impacts others more than the physical eye can see. Your positive, biblical way of approaching all that you do brings life to others. It brings a spiritual order which allows them the freedom to flow in the life of Christ.
Take the time to observe families. Look at those that are in order, meaning those who flow in harmony with the Gospel. Watch the children of the family with a father who lives and loves as Christ does. Watch the wife of a man who has chosen to lay his life down for her. You will see lives being lived full of the wonder of the Holy Spirit at work in them. They walk in the life of Christ and give away life to others.
Now observe the family where the man is absent or not living the kind of life Jesus lived. By the world’s standards, they may outwardly appear somewhat in order; but spiritually, they are most likely dead. Their impact on those around them has no real life to it. Their spiritual fruit feeds no one. They can only share the death they themselves have been given.
Which kind of leader are you? Are you capable of giving the healthy life of Christ to your wife and children? Can they rely on you to be spiritually astute enough to cover their needs before God when necessary? Do they know that you are their spiritual covering in a dark world, so that they can venture into the deep things of God? Are you living the life of Christ before them so they know how to live it themselves? Because of the spiritual responsibility of your office, whether you know it or not and whether you want it or not, you are either giving away life or death to those God has given you to lead. Which do you choose?
Let’s talk more!
Jim Corbett
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