1/16/20 The Dog and Pony Show

  • Jim Corbett
  • 01/16/2020

For many years, the errant, undiscerning church has embraced various ways that they interpret as the presence of God being with them. False prophets, so-called evangelists whose agenda is to build a following, and even just plain, honest people needing to hear from God have manipulated the Word, tapped into the wrong source of supernatural power, and even flat out lied in their claims of supernatural intervention - some trying to convince their audience that God is real, others to make themselves look credible and important. The world has watched this dog and pony show for so long, that they've cast aside any need for this kind of foolishness in their lives.

Make no mistake. God is real, and He is about to separate make-believe religion from the cross-won relationship given to us by Jesus. I believe that He is about to clearly define Himself to the true church and to the world. In fact, He has already been proving Himself strong in other parts of the world, and beginning to do the same here in America.

As a husband and father, you need to become very discerning in the days ahead. Business-as-usual policies will not be an answer to the needs and challenges on the horizon. Only a real relationship with Jesus and a determination to walk in the world as He did will allow you to overcome as He did.

It's time to stay away from the dog and pony shows and seek out honest believers, who are only concerned with the souls of men and women, the truth of the Word going forth, and glorifying the Lord. Hang with them and you will walk right into an atmosphere ripe and prepared for the overwhelming, wonderful presence of our majestic God and Father. It's a good place to be.

Let's talk more!

Jim Corbett

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