1/08/25 Priorities

  • Jim Corbett
  • 01/08/2025
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When was the last time you made a pursuit of the awe of God your priority? For that matter, how often have you set aside anything - your job, a sports event you love, even good things at church - to spend time with the Lord? I don't mean a couple of moments you throw at Him when you have nothing else to do; I mean scheduling times, possibly complete days or more for Him - times that are normally consumed with "important" things.

One of my biggest challenges is my war against the intrusions on my time with my Father. Things considered normal, even good things, are continuously presenting themselves as roadblocks to the path of quiet moments spent in pursuing an intimate relationship with ABBA God.

What I have discovered is the enemy hates anyone to go there because of the power and wisdom found by those who do. He hates us, especially men, to do all that we do from the warm, protected place on the lap of our Father. He has no power against the destruction it causes to his plans.

Have you ever wondered how you have been robbed of the tastebuds for that kind of intimacy? Doesn't it make sense that your real enemy loves to keep you so busy with urgent things that the things God sees as important are placed on a back burner, or forgotten about all together? Maybe your life and the lives of those around you will really prosper in Christ if you make time with God your priority rather than meeting Him when it’s convenient for you? What do you think?

Let's talk more!

Jim Corbett

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